Warren Hare

MoCSSy Member: Warren Hare

Status: MoCSSy Collaborator; Assistant Professor, UBC-O Math; Adjunct Professor, SFU Math.

E-mail: whare (all e-mails are at irmacs.sfu.ca)

Alternate E-mail: firstname.lastname@ubc.ca

Webpage: UBC Okanagan

Phone: 250-807-9378


Dr. Hare received his Ph.D. in Mathematical Optimization from Simon Fraser University. Following this he has been a postdoctoral fellow at IMPA - Brazil and at McMaster University. He worked as a Project Leader with the Complex Systems Modelling Group for two years, before becoming the Program Director for the MoCSSy Program. He is currently an Assistant Professor at UBC, Okanagan Campus, but maintains collaborations with many MoCSSy researchers. His research focuses mainly on Modelling and Optimization with Applications to Healthcare.